On July 8, Honest Media published our investigation of Mother Jones’s funding titled Mother Jones Dark Money. Today, we issue a correction regarding two mis-statements of fact.
We made the correction, changed it in the original report, and published the correction at the top of our Substack for 48 hours, the same way we published the original article.
Compliments on corrections. See FreedomTVnetworks.com/producers for downloads on 2-way uncensored TV. Ramping up the Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT in 2024-25. See DebateTourney.com and RViTV.com for both political and Volitional apolitical solutions.
Compliments on corrections. See FreedomTVnetworks.com/producers for downloads on 2-way uncensored TV. Ramping up the Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT in 2024-25. See DebateTourney.com and RViTV.com for both political and Volitional apolitical solutions.
Thank you for honestly reporting your error- this is what “journalist” do who are not owned (Corporate Press).
We made the correction, changed it in the original report, and published the correction at the top of our Substack for 48 hours, the same way we published the original article.
Happy to admit a mistake, and correct it.
Compliments on corrections. See FreedomTVnetworks.com/producers for downloads on 2-way uncensored TV. Ramping up the Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT in 2024-25. See DebateTourney.com and RViTV.com for both political and Volitional apolitical solutions.
Compliments on corrections. See FreedomTVnetworks.com/producers for downloads on 2-way uncensored TV. Ramping up the Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT in 2024-25. See DebateTourney.com and RViTV.com for both political and Volitional apolitical solutions.