After bypassing any sort of primary process, Democratic Party presidential nominee Kamala Harris has announced her running mate: Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota. Many political pundits have praised her for picking someone from the middle of the country with a different background to hers, while progressives especially have cheered Walz as he is seen as further to the left than Harris. Evidently, Walz and Harris will headline the party’s convention in Chicago next week, where anyone who is interested can also sign up to protest the DNC’s subversion of democracy.
What hasn’t been analyzed so far is that, like Joe Biden and Harris herself, as well as Donald Trump and seemingly every other politician in the uniparty leadership controlling Washington, Tim Walz is also owned by Big Pharma. Walz supported draconian lockdowns, paying parents to vaccinate 5 year olds for covid, as well as a “snitch line” where over 10,000 reports came from the public documenting citizens disobeying covid protocols. He has also been on record for accepting high amounts of political donations from the health industry.
During COVID, Walz, as governor, announced some of the strictest policies in the nation in Minnesota. He was ready to instill fear in his constituents and justify unprecedented restrictions on their constitutional rights.
Stat News has already analyzed his extremely strict and “controversial” record, pontificating that the issue is likely to come under scrutiny in this election cycle – as it should. In April 2020, Walz issued early stay-at-home orders in Minnesota. And when locking everyone inside became untenable, he issued statewide indoor mask mandates that May.
According to Wayne Rhode, who has long fought for medical freedom and is a resident of Minnesota, Walz’s lockdown orders stayed in effect for 18 months. Minnesota had one of the longest COVID lockdowns in the country. During the pandemic, Walz purchased an abandoned warehouse, retrofitting it to become a very large morgue for a pending death count that never came.
Rohde adds,
Walz weaponized the state agencies against those who questioned his tactics. In rural parts of the state, he sent in Department of Health agents to shut down restaurants and small businesses that defied his orders. These establishments were often the sole source of income for many people who lived in a small town.
It can also be argued that pent up rage from lockdowns eventually contributed to the state becoming the center of Black Lives Matter protests that summer.
The Associated Press also reported in December 2021 that a bar owner, Lisa Hanson, in Minnesota was sentenced to 90 days in jail and six criminal misdemeanor charges for violating Walz’s order to close her business the previous winter. Hanson eventually faced tens of thousands of dollars in fines and was forced to close down her business altogether.
Once it became clear that lockdowns were untenable, as Hanson’s case demonstrates, Walz shifted his objectives to trying to force Minnesotans to get the novel COVID vaccines. When he saw how many people were choosing not to do so, Walz decided to use taxpayer money to bribe parents with a $200 handout if they chose to vaccinate their 5- to 11-year-old children.
The Defender additionally reports that Walz has also supported limiting individuals from seeking liability against health care providers. In May 2023, he signed HF 2980, which “[restricted the] statute of limitations for claims against health care providers for vaccination and other issues to one year post-death during peacetime emergency.”
Now in case you’re wondering how all this COVID hysteria shows Walz is captured by Pig Pharma rather than just extremely paranoid, Open Secrets tracks financial contributions to federal political campaigns. The organization found that “health professionals” was the top industry contributing to Walz’s 2018 campaign – the last year Walz served as a representative in the US Congress in Washington, DC before becoming the Minnesota governor.
Meanwhile, Megyn Kelly has been quick to report that Walz is an extremely strong supporter of transgender operations on children – also using the state’s public money for children to transition. Newsweek further explains that Walz signed laws to make Minnesota a “trans refuge” state, meaning that parents and children cannot be punished for receiving trans-related care in Minnesota even if they come from a state where these procedures are illegal. Under Walz, the State of Minnesota can also gain temporary emergency jurisdiction over children who are otherwise unable to receive gender-affirming care.
How does this issue relate to Walz being owned by Big Pharma? Because pharmaceutical companies stand to make enormous profits from the hormone treatments and corresponding medications needed for children who undergo these operations, while state taxpayers foot the bills whether they like it or not.
Political influence, lobbying, and donations are hard to follow so the full extent of Walz’s connections to the pharmaceutical industry are almost impossible to know. But the programs and laws analyzed above demonstrate that, like his running mate Harris and Republican opponents in Trump and Vance, he is also captured by Big Pharma.
Thank you for the article and pointing to the money both parties get from Big Pharma. What are the numbers or potential intake of funds from enabling transgender surgeries to happen that otherwise might not? I struggle to understand how it would be significant enough to drive someone's policy or actions. I think a better causality would be the industry/insurance not permitting panel tests to look at the whole picture. Instead treating with a prescription that treats a single symptom but does resolve the problem and locks someone into a long term profitable prescription.
So discouraging to see this article has only 30 likes and 2 comments. You'll never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of the average American.