Apr 13Liked by Kyle F Hence, Michael Kane

The Fourth Estate has grown a new branch. Apart from corporate money and government influence. And it is like a breath of fresh air. God bless America.

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I do think Substack will need some help in the future. In my view, the "key to the operation" is for independent "citizen journalists" to create even more important content, covering all the "taboo" or off-limits subjects the MSM will never investigate or cover.

The contrarians on Substack and in the alternative media actually have a monopoly on the most important topics. Still, the key is to get more of these important stories to "go viral." It goes without saying that key to the operation for the Deep State is to PREVENT such stories from going viral. Thus, the invention and growth of the Censorship Industrial Complex and Stanford's (anti) Virality Project.

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This recent article from my Substack includes about seven examples of stories that should have gone viral, but didn't. Of course, this article makes a good point that I should have perhaps made in my essay - namedly, plenty of taboo subject areas have, essentially, "gone viral" with content from, say, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson's programs.

As I'll develop in the future, I think one solution would be micro-payments for contrarian journalists and citizen journalists. Many consumers of alternative content are probably getting tired of paying for monthly subscriptions and surfing numerous sites to get content they value.


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Apr 17Liked by Michael Kane

Micro-payments are a first-rate idea.

I rarely subscribe to anyone anymore.

I subscribed to one writer because the person published a paywalled article that I really wanted to read. I figured that I would amortize the $50 subscription by reading more articles the individual would be writing.

I haven’t.

I figure that I’ve paid $8 to $10 for each of the articles I’ve read. Ouch.

By contrast, if micro-payments were available (as the Koffee payments often are), I would make them again and again to writers that l want to support.

The writers’ reach might end up being greater. Their total revenues might be about the same, courtesy of the (possible) higher readership.

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I think with my micro-payment idea most writers would make far more money than they currently are on Substack.

It would also save Readers money.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 18

BTW, I’m a paid subscriber to Bill Rice’s Substack. The “investment” has proven to be cost-effective given how much I like and enjoy reading it.

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Thank you, Gemma Star!

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It's the 4th Industrial Revolution, the 4th Turning, the 4th Beasts, the 4th Reich from the EU... April 17th 2024 Did Ursula von der Leyen & Albert Bourla Mix Business with Pleasure? Why does the EU Commission refuse to release texts discussing EU's vaccine deal? https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/did-ursula-von-der-leyen-and-albert

The 4th Reich: E.U. Pres. Ursula Von Der Leyen on Pfizer CEO ft VAXX "Untested" & "Never Approved". Thanks Bourla for fast-tracking the vaccines and working with the Germans to manufacture them (like a compartmentalized Manhattan Project; where no-one knows what's in the vaccines... and then distrubute them around the world from the EU. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dK9aPUT1fnK8/

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Apr 17Liked by Kyle F Hence, Michael Kane

It remains to be seen if new media will be allowed to flourish or if it will be deplatformed and regulated out of existence. Hopefully, it will continue to grow.

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I agree, David. My "deductive reasoning" tells me these people and organizations have spent decades capturing all the most-important organizations and, now, ramping up a massive Censorship Industrial Complex. I doubt they are going to suddenly take a laisez faire approach to any media platforms that are working non-stop to scuttle all of their nefarious programs.

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Thanks for writing this important series. A wild animal in its death throes can still do a lot of damage, so it's no surprise we're seeing a rearguard attempt by mainstream media to partner with government in promoting new censorship bills. Often mislabelled "hate speech" legislation, we're seeing a coordinated campaign that has now taken in Europe, Scotland, Canada and Australia. The day after the Scottish "hate speech" bill went into effect, police reported receiving 800 calls per day claiming hate crimes. Senior officers report that if this continues, they will no longer have time to police real crimes such as theft, assault, etc.

We've known at least since the 1977 Church Commission hearings in the US that the CIA colluded with media through its Operation Mockingbird (the name says it all). In David Talbot's essential book, The Devil's Chessboard, a CIA history, he points out that all of the first CEOs for American media networks were former army intelligence operatives during World War II.

What this means is that the current break from mainstream media into indie podcast media you describe is truly historic! It's quite likely the first time in modern history that genuine independent media has been allowed to exist. So no wonder Big Tech is colluding with government to try to shut down freedom of speech on the Internet—which, remember, is itself a creation of the intelligence Deep State.

Long live the indie podcasters! God bless the Lara Logans, Max Blumenthals, Matt Taiibis, Del Bigtrees and Redacted News of the world!

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Great post. The world's real rulers HAVE to censor even more going forward. This actually protects them from pitch fork-wielding mobs and makes it much more likely they will be able to FINISH all their other nefarious programs. There can be no serious dissent if these programs are going to come to fruition.

FWIW and in my opinion, it would not fit the m.o. of these people (staffed with all these former spooks) to simply ignore or give a pass to a "free speech" platform like Substack, especially since much of this "threatening" content IS reaching more people.

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“‘I’ve watched his videos, long-form interviews, and podcasts with Joe Rogan and others for around five months. This is the first time I’ve seen him in person,’ Mr. Houston told The Epoch Times.”

“‘So is addressing what Mr. Kennedy calls the “chronic disease epidemic.’ That appeals to younger voters, Mr. Houston said, and they often learn in-depth about Mr. Kennedy’s ideas through alternative media sources.”

“‘He’s gaining a lot of momentum through Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. That’s where I found him. Then I started reading his books,’ Mr. Houston said. ‘I can’t remember the last time I watched the local or national news.’


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Have not watched the Late Night Shows for 4 years and will never again!

The total bias portraited has sunk their ships!

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Dual citizens have taken over control of our government, media, entertainment, education, justice, publishing, etc. They use that incredible power to divide, distract and misinform the masses. They also rely on fear to control us. Unite and live fearlessly!

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Friends, Has the Establishment Media™️ finally penned its own obituary? Picture the tombstone inscription now…Here ‘lies’ Legacy Media, in death💀as in life. GM —/— 👀👇🙏

LEGACY MEDIA CASE STUDY PART ONE: All the News That’s Fit to Fake n’ Hide—An Expose of the “Times” in two parts, by Greg Maybury

BRIEF: Since its establishment in 1851, the iconic #NewYorkTimes has enjoyed one of the most enduring reputations of all the world’s leading newspapers. Of this few folks would be in doubt, including those who might be less enamoured of the so named “Old Gray Lady’s” unique charms.

What’s less certain though is whether such ‘notoriety’ is still deserved after all these years; as heretical as it might be for the ‘faithful’ to contemplate, perhaps ‘her’ best days are past.

With particular reference to two of the biggest events of the past 25 years, in this two part series, Greg Maybury ‘spills some ink’ in the service of a higher truth about this self-styled bastion of journalistic integrity. The sad reality is that she’s not ageing especially well.

ARTICLE: All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — Part One: The Slander & Lies of an Old Gray Lady

CLICK ON LINK HERE, NOT MAIN GRAPHIC👇👀. LINK🔗 not working🤔? Try C n' P into preferred browser.)

👉👀 tinyurl.com/2p9542kx

#NewYorkTimes #Covid #Propaganda #Censorship #FakeNews #MSM #NineEleven #ChristopherBollyn #JudithMiller #JaysonBlair #DeepState #RobertParry #ConsortiumNews #HowellRaines #PerceptionManagement #Misinformation #Disinformation

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Outstanding points. I just cross-posted Part 4 to do my part to help our side get around the captured "gatekeepers of the news." My intro text:

This might be the most important silver lining of our "New Abnormal" - The legacy media is Dead Man Walking. I've developed this theme often, pointing out that contrarian/independent journalists and journalism sites are all ... rapidly growing. Also, it's another great "tell" that the big advertising companies BOYCOTT "truth-seeking" voices, even though these sites reach millions of potential customers and the skepticism of these journalists has been proven RIGHT time and time again.

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Right on Bill! Excellent points and thank you for cross-posting. There is a kind of independent media ecosystem emerging and as we know about natural ecosystems there’s a lot of cooperation going on! And that’s critical to all like including the life of new, independent and collaborative media!

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Before y'all get too excited about alternative, internet-based media, have a look at the details in the reauthorized FISA law. It allows all web-based communiques determined to be injurious to the offishul points of view to be shut down per the decision of an anonymous federal employee. ALL of 'em.

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Friends, Has the Establishment Media™️ finally penned its own obituary? Picture the tombstone inscription now…Here ‘lies’ Legacy Media, in death💀as in life. GM —/— 👀👇🙏

LEGACY MEDIA CASE STUDY PART TWO: All the News That’s Fit to Fake n’ Hide—An Expose of the “Times” in two parts, by Greg Maybury

BRIEF: Since its establishment in 1851, the venerable #NewYorkTimes has enjoyed one of the most enduring, iconic reputations of all the world’s leading newspapers. Of this few folks would be in doubt, including those who might be less enamoured of the so named “Old Gray Lady’s” unique charms.

What’s less certain though is whether such ‘notoriety’ is still deserved after all these years; as heretical as it might be for the ‘faithful’ to contemplate, perhaps ‘her’ best days are past. With particular reference to two of the biggest events of the past 25 years—the events of 9/11 and the COVID pandemic—in this two part series, Greg Maybury ‘spills some ink’ in the service of a higher truth about this self-styled bastion of journalistic integrity. The sad reality is that she’s not ageing especially well.

📝 All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — Part Two: In the Citadel of Truth & Certitude.


(Click on Link above, not main graphic. 🔗 not working? Try C n' P into preferred browser.)

#NewYorkTimes #Covid #Propaganda #Censorship #FakeNews #MSM #NineEleven #ChristopherBollyn #JudithMiller #RFKJr #DeepState #RobertParry #ConsortiumNews #Disinformation #PerceptionManagement #Misinformation #Malinformation #Israel

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